You need to know first how the internet works before proceeding with learning about Ethereum.
In the world that we are living in these days, we are relying with cloud and servers that stores our personal such as passwords or keys and social information on the application that we are using such as Facebook, Amazon or Google. Even this WeUseCoin article is put into an opensource version controller in Github for those readers and other users being able to contribute on the website.
This kind of service is very useful because as users, we don’t have headaches anymore on how to deal with our data security and how to store it mechanically. We rely this job to those who offered the services and there are people and specialist who took care of it 24/7.
However, the convenience that we have experience isn’t that perfect also in all ways. This is because there were threats of intruding our personal information. Hacking is the perfect example for that and very scary when you are too lose in terms of securing your data or information. Even the government is also a threat to the security and privacy since they can take your information at any time they want to.
This mechanism of the internet has been tag as the “original sin” by the Apache Web Server creator, Brian Behlendroff. It is him who argue that the internet should be decentralized and the same with the blockchain technology in order to meet the goal.
For the crusade, Ethereum is one of the latest creations to join the movement.
Since Bitcoin is already interrupting the Paypal and online banking services, Ethereum’s main goal is to chase the third parties of the internet, namely those who stores data, transfer of mortgages and those who keep tracks of complicated financial institution.
To be exact, Ethereum aims to be the “World Computer”, which is to decentralize or others may say, to break the current client-server model.
Instead of clouds and servers, Ethereum is to replace them by nodes which are volunteers all over the world that forming the so called “World Computers”.
In line with this infrastructure, Ethereum will be able to do the same services as the current one and being able to tap the functionalities that people can be offered.
A specific example of that is when you are on a common app store on the web and you’ll see various colorful squares that represent everything from messaging apps to fitness applications. These applications were just relying on a third party services that every time a user purchase or transact anything, he/she will input the credit/debit card information to be able to get what they want. These third parties were controlled by servers and stored data on clouds.
Your app options also rely with third parties suck as Apple and Google. They maintain and curate applications accordingly for updates and uploads.
One specific example is the Evernote or Google Docs.
When all the goals were executed properly, Ethereum can return the full control of those data to the rightful owners and give a full access on everything to it.
The idea is that, no one can take control of your note but yourself and no one can ban you for those sudden decisions of the app you are using. This is to give you the idea that only you can gain control of your own data information.
To follow the theory, Ethereum is a combination of taking full control in their information with easy-to-access procedure in this digital age. Every time you have changes on the data, all nodes will also be updated all over the network.
It's important that the thought has been met with incredulity.
In spite of the fact that the applications have all the earmarks of being conceivable, it's hazy which blockchain applications will really demonstrate valuable, secure, or versatile, and on the off chance that they will ever be as advantageous to use as the applications we utilize today.
Getting Started With Ethereum?
In the event that you've been following late scope of blockchain and digital currencies, you've presumably observed scope of Ethereum. In spite of the fact that the Ethereum venture has just been around for a long time, it has turned out to be uncontrollably prevalent. Truth be told, in WeUseCoins's current State of Blockchain report, almost the greater part of the respondents — 94 percent — said they feel positive in regards to the territory of Ethereum.So what is creating this positive feeling?
To comprehend that, you have to comprehend that Ethereum has two sections. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is a digital currency. (In fact, the digital currency is called "Ether," yet many people allude to it as "Ethereum.") Currently, Ethereum has the second most elevated market top of any cryptographic money (behind Bitcoin), and its cost has been rising rapidly. In January 2017, 1 Ether was worth about $10. In June, it came to about $400. Clearly, that sort of rise will draw in consideration.
Not at all like Bitcoin, Ethereum is likewise a stage for keen contracts. It offers a route for associations or people to go into gets that are consequently satisfied when certain conditions are met without a bank or other money related administration going about as a delegate.
On account of this brilliant contract ability, Ethereum has getting enthusiasm from endeavors and a portion of the world's biggest budgetary establishment. Furthermore, that thus has a few onlookers conjecturing that Ethereum could in the end overshadow Bitcoin as the most well-known — and most significant — cryptographic money.
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